
Food Service

The Sawyer Island interns recall their experiences at Smoodi

The 2022 SIC interns share their experiences working for Smoodi at their warehouse in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
July 6, 2022

Morgan Stewart

Marketing Intern

"It was super helpful having the interns assembling the machines with us, they did an amazing job!"

Monica Balderas
Regional Manager, Smoodi

During my two-day stint working with Smoodi, I learned a lot. Two other interns, Burr and Chris, accompanied me. We were tasked with assisting in the repair of a manufacturer error within the smoothie machines, which required us to inspect and package the Smoodi devices. This kind of work was a new experience as I don't have a technical background or much knowledge of this kind of technology or how they work. I was surprised to catch on so quickly, and while it was hard work, I found myself having a lot of fun. While I wasn't initially expecting to be doing some of the work we did when I was invited to help, it taught me a different side of what it takes to run a successful company. Not everything runs smoothly, and occasionally you have to get your hands dirty to ensure the company is successfully moving into the future. Overall, I enjoyed the day Burr, Chis, and I spent working with Pascal and the rest of the Smoodi team. By the end of our time in their warehouse, I gained a new understanding and appreciation of startup companies.

- Luke Davenport, Summer 2022 Sawyer Island Consulting Intern

On June 1st and 2nd, 2022, Luke, Burr, and I traveled to Newburyport, Massachusetts, to meet with Pascal Kriesche, Co-Founder and CEO of Smoodi. Shortly after meeting, we were thrown straight into the warehouse, working strictly on inspecting, repairing, and shipping out 34 machines that will be placed in convenience stores throughout the United States. At first, it wasn't easy to understand all the different components of the machines and their functions, but with time it became easier. It was amazing to learn about every little piece that goes into a machine of that caliber to make it run efficiently. As time goes on, it will be interesting to see how big Smoodi will continue to grow, considering the level of demand the Smoodi machines have across the U.S.

- Chris Register, Summer 2022 Sawyer Island Consulting Real Estate Development Intern

Burr and I made the road trip down to the Smoodi warehouse in Newburyport, Massachusetts, at the end of June. After working with them for a few weeks, I was excited to finally get a better understanding of the brand, its people, and the product in a hands-on way. It was great to finally meet Monica, the Smoodi regional manager, after a month of virtual meetings with her. Monica had requested our help to speed up their machine manufacturing and hopefully bring Smoodi closer to market. Burr and I worked on assembling the blenders, attaching the plumbing systems, and the electrical. While this sounds like a rather complex task, it ended up being pretty easy and fun with the guidance of Morgan, the Smoodi Co-Founder. The biggest takeaway from this experience was the passion and relentlessness of startups and all businesses. Morgan and Monica have put everything into getting Smoodi off the ground. I enjoyed watching Morgan's excitement as he talked about everything Smoodi related because it shows how much he loves his job. Seeing his passion for his career benefited me as I start looking for a job and hopefully a career post-graduation.

- Morgan Stewart, Summer 2022 Sawyer Island Consulting Marketing Intern

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